Friday 12 October 2018

DEPICT Short Films-

Scare Crow

For such a short film it carries a good narrative with disturbing imagery and a good hook from start to finish. The cliff hanger fulfils its purpose at the end leaving the viewer wanting answers but knowing they'll never come. The shots used range from close ups to far wide shots of the field used to establish both the characters and the peaceful rape-seed field the film is set in. A drone was probably used for many of the sweeping shots, considering it was a short film and there was no way to use a crane on that location; the effect is still the same, achieving a good sense of how the character feels. The lighting is all natural and carefully shifts into the evening up until the final conclusion; at the twist when the sun is setting behind them. Overall though, from the convulsing scarecrow to the screaming girl as she runs through the endless field it sets a strong atmosphere as a final piece less than 90 seconds.

Neapolitan Porno

A comical take on the idea of food porn with saturated, detailed close ups. The idea and execution appears simple, that being the construction of an ice-cream. But the way its put together, with the close ups and the seamless match-on-action shots and the narration, is really great. The strong contrast between the deep, gruff narrator and the light sherbet colours of the food give the video life. Then the ending really tops it off with a single word as the character drops his ice-cream. All in all, great transitions, perfect idea, well edited, hilarious.

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